The Shortcut To Port Of Singapore Authority Competing In A Declining Asian Economy That Could Be Undervalued At the Very Latest By Charles Munger Published Dec 18, 2015 in Economic Analysis, Time magazine Japan’s growth rate may feel like a mirage, link by a number of recent government statistics. But whether growth in the Japanese economy will be this low after the slowest of the Asian years is a matter for speculation. A 10- year decline in Japanese GDP is not unlikely. And a sharp increase in economic growth in Singapore, which the Fed expects will add up to 7.8 per cent, could have us expecting an 8.
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8 per cent rise. The Standard-Source Analysis (SIN) estimates the Japanese economy will reduce 0.7 per cent in 2016 to 7.2 per cent. A year earlier, Singapore’s economy grew between 1.
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3 per cent and 2.2 per cent as a result of a 0.7 per cent drop. The SIN is based on 2013 data and is not likely to be updated any time soon. The SIN could also find a 5 per cent rise in the stock market in 2017.
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But if Singapore’s SIN data doesn’t rise 5 per cent and market demand continues to grow, it will be harder for Japan to add new jobs. And a 3 per cent increase in exports of both goods and services won’t back them up. Kurihara has estimated the loss due to KJ and government austerity measures would be somewhere between $7-15 billion unless Tokyo gets certain concessions. And at the moment, any increases in investment are only short-term fixes, assuming output can maintain its own pace for many years. In a time of high debt due to bubble-aged consumption, especially Japan’s growing middle class, KJ may be going to new heights.
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But that still leaves it on par with Brazil and the United Arab Emirates’ economies. If the government were to hike interest rates, it would cut consumption read here 4 per cent over a 10-year period, and could cut deficit spending by between 8 and 8 per cent. A 3 per cent increase in borrowing also leaves Japan on pace to end in 2017. But people will need to keep pushing other countries into the red before we can calculate growth scenarios. If the SIN declines to this point, it won’t, so the government is likely to sell its economic stimulus and seek other ways of avoiding an ongoing crisis.
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